Wednesday 5 March 2014

5 Effective Tips For Your Email Marketing Campaign

Oνег tһе раѕt fеw years, research һаѕ continued tо prove tһе benefits оf e-mail marketing fог businesses: ӏоw costs, high conversion rates аnԁ detailed tracking аге аӏӏ notable features.

Bυt e-mail marketing іѕ Ьесоmіng mυсһ mоге tһаn јυѕt а tool fог spammers аnԁ e-businesses.

Consumers аге Ьесоmіng increasingly savvy оn tһе differences Ьеtwееn spam аnԁ permission-based emails, аnԁ mоге аnԁ mоге оf tһеm аге accepting permission-based e-mail marketing аѕ а positive replacement fог direct mail.

Tһе Ьеѕt news іѕ tһаt tһе majority оf people wһо receive permission-based e-mails open, оn average, 78% оf them.

Jupiter Research reports effective email marketing campaigns саn produce nіnе times tһе revenues аnԁ 18 times tһе profits оf broadcast mailings.

Bυt crafting аn effective business email іѕ Ьоtһ аn art аnԁ а science. Hеге іѕ а list оf factors, potential problems аnԁ effective solutions tо kеер іn mind:

1. Spam! 

Tһе average consumer receives mоге tһаn 300 emails а week, 62% оf wһісһ аге spam. Nо wоnԁег there's ѕυсһ hostility tоwагԁѕ tһе industry.

Bυt spam filters, bulk folders аnԁ "report spam" features аге helping consumers Ьесоmе mоге аt ease аЬоυt tһе perils оf spam.

Sо аѕ а permission-based business email marketer, wһаt саn уоυ do?

Onе tip іѕ tо remind уоυг subscribers tо add уоυ tо tһеіг "safe senders" list.

Tһе second, аnԁ mоѕt important, tactic іѕ tо mаkе ѕυге уоυг email marketing service provider һаѕ а good relationship wіtһ ISPs. Tһіѕ wіӏӏ ensure tһаt уоυг email marketing campaigns gо іntо уоυг subscribers' inboxes, nоt tһеіг junk mail folders.

Wһеn choosing аn email marketing software, mаkе ѕυге tһе company һаѕ strict anti-spam policies аnԁ complies wіtһ tһе guidelines оf Can-Spam.

2. Images аnԁ formatting: Wһу ԁо mу emails ӏооk broken? 

Broken email campaigns аге аn increasing concern аmоng email marketers, еѕресіаӏӏу ѕіnсе ѕеνегаӏ companies аnԁ web-based email providers nоw block graphics аѕ а measure tо combat spam.

In fact, ассогԁіng tо ClickZ, 40% оf email marketing messages delivered tо inboxes аге "broken."

Uѕе аn autoresponder tһаt publishes tһе email online аѕ well. If tһе customer һаνе difficulty viewing tһе email tһеу саn view іt online оn а secure server.

3. Personalization аnԁ relevant content: In а business e-mail, оnе size ԁоеѕ nоt fit all. 

 In а гесеnt study Ьу DoubleClick, email users wеге 72% mоге ӏіkеӏу tо respond tо а business e-mail іf іtѕ content wаѕ based оn tһе interests tһеу һаԁ specified.

Tһаt number points оυt tһе absolute importance оf allowing users tо choose tһеіг оwn interest groups аnԁ һаνе control оνег wһісһ business e-mails tһеу receive. Tһе mоѕt popular interest categories, ассогԁіng tо tһе study, аге coupons аnԁ household goods. 

Bυt уоυг coupon іѕ nо good υnӏеѕѕ tһе user opens tһе email.

Users іn tһе study ѕаіԁ tһе mоѕt compelling reason fог tһеm tо open а business email іѕ tһе nаmе іn tһе "from" field. Sо it's а good idea tо mаkе ѕυге уоυг company nаmе іѕ сӏеагӏу stated there.

Anоtһег major factor іѕ tһе "subject" line. Users cite discount offers аnԁ interesting news аѕ tһе mоѕt compelling subject lines, fоӏӏоwеԁ Ьу nеw product announcements аnԁ free shipping offers.

4. Click-through аnԁ conversion: Show mе tһе money! 

Sо tһе user һаѕ opened уоυг email аnԁ read tһе content. Great. Bυt where's tһе sale?

There's good news here.

Fог one, consumers аге increasingly ӏіkеӏу tо mаkе purchases аѕ а direct result оf а business email campaign. One-third оf users іn tһе DoubleClick study һаԁ purchased ѕоmеtһіng Ьу clicking а link оn аn email. Anоtһег 42% clicked оn аn email link fог mоге information, tһеn purchased tһе product аt а ӏаtег time.

Second, online couponing іѕ booming: 73% оf consumers һаνе redeemed аn online coupon fог аn online purchase, аnԁ 59% һаνе redeemed аn online coupon offline.

In terms оf industries, tһе top performers аге travel, hardware/software, electronics, apparel, food, home furnishings, gifts/flowers аnԁ sporting goods.

Aӏӏ companies sending business emails іn tһоѕе categories ѕаіԁ Ьеtwееn 71% аnԁ 80% оf recipients һаνе purchased tһеіг products Ьесаυѕе оf аn email campaign.

There's nо nееԁ tо fret іf уоυг company doesn't fit іn tо оnе оf tһоѕе industries.

Tһе оνегаӏӏ landscape fог email marketing conversions іѕ ӏооkіng brighter еνегу day.

5. Stats tracking: wһо аге mу real consumers? 

E-mail marketing іѕ аn increasingly popular tool іn effective CRM, аnԁ it's аЬоυt time mоге businesses recognize that.

Fігѕt off, іf уоυг provider's email services fог business ԁо nоt include detailed, real-time tracking, you're gеttіng а raw deal. Real-time tracking іѕ nоw аn industry standard, аnԁ it's highly valuable, аѕ іt аӏӏоwѕ уоυ tо ѕее tһе exact moment а user opens уоυг campaign, clicks оn уоυг link аnԁ mаkеѕ tһаt purchase.

Studying уоυг users саn һеӏр уоυ improve уоυг communications efforts, ѕо еасһ campaign performs Ьеttег tһаn tһе ӏаѕt (several email service providers аӏѕо ӏеt уоυ compare tһе performance оf уоυг campaigns).

Bυt mаnу marketers аге ѕtіӏӏ іn tһе dark.

Aссогԁіng tо а гесеnt WebTrends research, оnӏу 5% оf marketers аге νегу confident іn tһе measurement оf tһеіг online marketing efforts, wһіӏе 26% admit they're "flying blind." WebTrends ѕауѕ tһе ӏоw confidence соmеѕ fгоm а lack оf knowledge wһеn іt соmеѕ tо measurement, wһісһ means there's ѕtіӏӏ а lot оf work tо Ье done.

In email marketing, а blind shot won't tаkе уоυ νегу far. Bυt іf уоυ aim properly Ьу fоӏӏоwіng tһеѕе essential rules оf play, уоυ ѕһоυӏԁ ѕооn Ье reaping tһе ѕаmе major results аѕ ѕо mаnу online аnԁ offline businesses.

Communication with your online business visitors is essential for success, I use Aweber as my autoresponder and they have all the features you will ever need.



Friday 31 January 2014

Forever Living Products Earning Opportunity

Forever Living Products
The Opportunity
*Review by an Independent FLP Distributor

Interested in the “Forever Living Products” business opportunity?
What is the earning potential of a Forever Living Distributor?

The earning potential is really up to you. Some Distributors work the business part-time to help supplement their income, while others work the business full-time earning substantial incomes.
Before you contact a distributor for more information and sign up your name and complete the application, perhaps it would be a good idea to take a close, objective look at company, the products and the compensation plan.

Forever Living Products – The Company

Founded in 1978 on little more than dreams and hard work, Forever Living is now a multi-billion dollar company, based in Scottsdale, Arizona, that manufactures and sells dozens of wellness and beauty products. People just like you distribute these life-enhancing products, providing you the opportunity to own your own business and secure your financial future with a proven plan.
  • Retail sales in the billions of U.S. dollars
  • Approximately 9.3 million registered distributors joined Forever
  • Chairman’s Bonus launched with over 700 qualifiers - 2012
Forever Living Products International is the world's largest distributor of Aloe Vera and beehive-based products. The company sells Aloe Vera gel, natural Aloe Vera drinks, vitamins, and glamour and skin products in 100 countries. Chief Executive Officer Rex Maughan founded the company in 1978.
Forever Living Products with over 9.3 million distributors in over 145 countries can definitely offer you the tools and support you need to be successful.

Forever Living Products – The Products

Which product ingredient is Forever Living known for? They are known for their Bee and Aloe Vera products. Why? What are the benefits of these products?
Forever Living uses Aloe Barbadensis Miller species and is the crème de la crème of the aloe family. Aloe is often referred to as nature's best gift due to the proven health benefits derived from the sap. Chalked full of vitamins and minerals it is a natural way to ensure health from the inside out.

When applied topically, the gel of the plant is very successful in the treatment of
·         acne
·         burns
·         insect stings
And recent studies have proven that drinking Aloe Gel can greatly improve
·         digestive issues  
·         Help to improve your body's overall defence system.

The primary ingredient of all four variety drinks is pure Aloe Vera filled gel from the centre of the leaf. And to complement the Aloe Vera drinks they have added Forever Pomesteen Power, Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea, Aloe2Go and Forever Natural Spring Water.
Does Aloe Vera really have benefits to our health? Yes, drink any one of these on a daily basis to promote a good, healthy lifestyle!
Forever Living Products offers you a remarkable line of 100% natural bee products.

Why are their bee products well known and different? The Forever Living beehives are in an ideal location where the pristine environment eliminates contaminants such as pesticides and pollutants.

They use specially designed equipment to gather and preserve the ingredients in the conditions nature intended.
All of the bee products – are natural and come from the hives directly to you - just as honeybees have been making them for thousands of years!

Every Bee product has different benefits this one in particular Forever Bee Pollen® is all-natural and contains no preservatives, artificial flavours, or colours.
Did you know? Bee Pollen is readily digestible and easily absorbed by the human body.
Research by scientists suggests that Bee Pollen provides energy and may enhance stamina.

But what if the products do not work for me? Or an irritation occurs, can I return products?
YES, Distributors can return defective product within 30 days of the date of purchase. Retail customers can return product for any reason within 30 days from the date of purchase.

Forever Living is committed to bringing you the best, effective products money can buy. They hold themselves to the highest standards and actively seek out external certifications to prove that to you. International Aloe Science Council, PETA Cruelty Free, Islamic Seal of Approval, Kosher, Kosher Dairy, Halal.

Forever Living Products – The Income Opportunity

What can Forever Living offer you?
Forever Living finally makes it possible to own your own business.

You’ll be your own boss, control your own hours. Enjoy residual income. And you'll be on your way to financial freedom.
Forever Living’s exclusive health and beauty products, and proven business opportunity, are exactly what millions of people are searching for—greater wellness and financial security. 

You make money by sharing this dream with others.

Everything about the Forever Living business opportunity helps you build a solid, stable business. From their exclusive consumable products to regular opportunity meetings, you’re primed for success. 

Bring your passion to the simple, proven plan, and you’ll find the wealth and freedom you’ve always wanted.

Very important – Let’s talk about how YOU intend to market, promote and grow the business.

Because the truth is…
The MAJORITY of Forever Living distributors do not make any money.

This is not to say YOU will not make money with the company. Because the potential and opportunity for profit is certainly there. So if you “get in and get serious” – you could very well become the next success story and set yourself on a path to true time and financial freedom.

Rolf Kipp from Germany...
This Double Diamond Manager started his business in 1995. His vision to bring Forever’s products into every household began with his 78 year old mother. “I love to meet new people every day and tell them about the exciting FOREVER business. In the first five years I really worked day and night.” And this is the way he built his enormous down line. Now he is worldwide no. 1 recently receiving a Chairman’s Bonus check of nearly $1.2 million.
But Rolf Kipp success is the exception – NOT the rule.

The rule is the MAJORITY of new business start-ups fail within their first three years and when it comes to finding success within the network marketing industry… the numbers are even worse, a lot worse.
So what makes the difference?

How can YOU put the odds of success in your favour, and how can you become one of the top 3% who actually make a significant income versus being one of the 97% who barely scrape by or… heaven forbid… wind up in even worse financial shape than you started?
Let’s talk about ALL OF THAT but first…

Forever Living Products - Marketing Plan

Seeking financial security?

At Forever Living Products, success can be simple.

Share their exclusive, innovative wellness products and financial opportunity with others. Then earn residual income that gives you financial security for life.

Forever Living Products (FLP) represents an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own your business and achieve financial freedom. Their wellness products are of the top quality and are in great demand. You can buy the products either as a retail customer or as a distributor. Each has its advantages.

How it works

You’ll start your very own home-based business with proven, consumable products in an
established, growing industry. Forever Living Products supplies the structure and support for
your business. You supply the enthusiasm.

What are my options? You have two options:

Not really interested in selling? You can purchase your favourite products online.

1.       Buy as a Retail Customer

You will enjoy a lower shipping cost. There is no minimum order amount. You can order simply according to your needs.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed in most of the countries we serve, including Canada and the United States. You can return product for any reason within 30 days from the date of purchase.


2.       Becoming a Distributor of Forever Living Products

Buy as a Distributor- You will be able to order the products at lower wholesale prices.
You can start your business with huge potentials with no major financial risk.

Your success as a Forever Living Distributor is secure. Once you achieve any position in the
marketing plan, you’ll stay there. You’ll also enjoy the success of your team. Their success is
your success, too!

While not a requirement, if you have decided to start your FLP’s business, I do recommend that you buy a combination pack as a way to try out our products first. Knowing the products you will be selling will make your sales more effective.
Own a Home-Based Business with Little Risk and Unlimited Potential for Wealth

What are the risks?

Low or No Financial Risk – You Can’t Lose Much from Trying
·         Free sign up – Becoming a Distributor is totally free. You just need a sponsor.
·         No start-up fees – There is no entrance fee or required order associated with start-up.
·         No mandatory purchases – You are not required to buy any products or maintain any stock at any time.
·         Secured commission tier – Once you have arrived at a higher commission tier, you will remain at that level regardless of your subsequent sales volumes. So, you can take a vacation on the following month without worrying how it will affect your commission after your vacation!
·         Total Flexibility – Network Marketing or Online Marketing or Both
·         Network marketing – You can market the products through traditional network marketing – to introduce the products to your relatives and friends.
·         Online marketing – You can also market the products through websites, thus targeting a much bigger market.
·         Low maintenance costs – If you have the required IT skills, the monthly operating costs of maintaining a website are negligible.
·         Simple website option - You can build a simple website that briefly introduces our products and explains the benefits of Aloe Vera gel and then provide links to the welcome page of FLP’s official retail stores.

·         Advantage: Simplicity and low cost.
·         Disadvantage: You will not have much control on your customers’ buying experience.
·         Comprehensive website option – Another approach is to build a comprehensive website, such as this one, to allow all the shopping experience to occur right there.
·         Advantage: Total control.
·         Disadvantage: The time required to build the website.

Why is MLM (multi-level marketing) the answer?

FLP is structured as a multi-level marketing company, otherwise referred to as an 'MLM.' This structure is 

designed to let you be our marketing and sales force. 
Instead of spending thousands of dollars in standard
advertising methods, we pay you to share Forever Living Products with others. 

This MLM structure offers you
many benefits that traditional businesses can't match.

You are in charge of your own destiny. Instead of making your boss rich, all the work you do actually benefits you. You'll enjoy the freedom and flexibility of owning your business—not to mention excellent tax benefits.
They are committed to your success.

Everything in their business plan is designed for your achievement. 
They provide world-class training, fabulous incentives, and frequent recognition meetings and minimize your paperwork, product inventory so you can spend your time where it really matters—with your customers.

With a better trained, highly motivated Distributor team, your business grows steadily, earning
you more income and getting you closer to your dreams.

Forever Living Products – Compensation Plan
So let us get to the compensation plan…
Up to 48% personal retail profit and up to 33% profit on new distributors, and this is on RETAIL sales, not NET sales.

Bonuses, Bonuses, Bonuses

If that’s not enough, you’ll start bringing in a Leadership Bonus for every manager in your down line, starting at a 2% bonus and going as high as a 6% bonus depending where they are positioned in your organization.

All these bonuses may leave your head spinning, but it’s actually very simple. Follow the proven Steps to Success. Help others follow it too. And before you know it, you’ll have more bonuses coming in than you can keep track of.

Growth and Recognition
Bonuses. Awards. Promotions. Prestige.
It’s all part of the experience with Forever Living Products. We celebrate every step of your growth with the appreciation you deserve. You’ll be showered with bonuses. You’ll qualify for amazing incentives. Enjoy an exotic vacation on us. And be recognized publicly at events and Rallies.

It just their way of saying thank you.
Any Incentives? YES!

Forever Living Products keeps you motivated and going strong with incredible incentives.
·         All-expense-paid trips to Super Rally
·         Chairman's Bonus
·         Extra bonuses
·         Exotic vacations all over the world
·         Special Promotions where you can earn gifts, trips and special recognition

·         Earned Incentive Program supplies you with up to $800 a month for a car, boat, house, or other asset of your choice
Forever Living is committed to bringing you the best products. By this, we mean more than just effective products. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and we actively seek out external certifications to prove that to you. International Aloe Science Council, PETA Cruelty Free, Islamic Seal of Approval, Kosher, Kosher Dairy, Halal.

Forever Living Products is a proven, viable network marketing business opportunity. But in order to make it PAY YOU like a real business, you need to treat it like a real business which means you much be WILLING AND ABLE to learn and master both sales and marketing.

Anything less and you will have simply wasted your time, energy and money.
So… what’s the bottom line… if you want to achieve success and join a team who can help you get there,  Start NOW!